The Preview window gives you a quick view of
a message on the server.
When you click the preview button (or double-click a message)
PopTray will show the Preview window and then start retrieving
the message from your E-mail server. If your connection is slow,
or the message is huge, this can take quite a while. During
the download, the Preview window will show a progress meter:
You can abort the download process by clicking the "Stop"
Once the entire message has been downloaded you will see different
message parts.
From |
From whom the message was sent. |
To |
To whom the message was sent (usually it's you). |
Date |
Date the message was sent. |
Subject |
The subject line of the message. |
X-Mailer |
The E-mail Client that the message was sent with. (If available) |
Body |
The MIME decoded body of your message. |
Raw Message |
The raw message as found on the server,
including all the headers. |
Attachments |
Attachments will be listed as icons below
the message body. You can right-click an attachment to
save it to disk. |
You can save your message to disk too. Clicking the Save button
will ask for you to specify the filename and file type.
You can save it to a MSG/EML file, which can be opened by most
e-mail clients, or you can save it to a TXT file.
The Print button will immediately print the message to your
default printer.
Clicking the Reply button will open your default e-mail client
and create a message ready to reply. When the "MAPI
instead of mailto:" option is checked, the reply will
use your default MAPI client. When using MAPI your complete
body will be quoted in the reply message. Using "mailto:"
limited the reply body to 2000 characters.
The Delete button will delete the message from the server. The
button will only be available when you are using the "Safe
Delete" option to ensure
that the wrong message won't be deleted. |